Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, do you know of any women in your circle of friends and family who have experienced violence? (% of respondents, by age when they completed their education) covid_experience_occupation

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Source type:
Data from external sources
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Source activity:
Special Eurobarometer Surveys
Source reference:
The survey was commissioned by the European Parliament in 2022, to gather women’s opinions on the impact of the pandemic on violence against women, mental health, and the wellbeing of working women. Further information is provided in the reference metadata
Data type:
Survey data
Harmonised at EU level
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couple, covid, covid-19, family, family type, lone parent, pandemic, single-person, violence
Code Value
VIO_DOM Domestic violence/abuse
VIO_ECON Economic violence
HAR_STREET Street harassment
HAR_WORK Harassment at work
HAR_ONLINE Online harassment/cyber violence
Code Value
Y Yes
N No
DK Don't know
Code Value
T Total
SELF Self-employed
EMP Employee
MAN-EMP Manual worker
INAC Not working