Calculations are based on microdata from the European Quality of Life Survey (EQLS), coordinated by Eurofound. The survey aims to represent the population of all residents in a survey country aged 18 or older.
The question considered is question Q43e from the 2016 EQLS survey in the EQLS Integrated Data File, 2003-2016: On average, how many hours per week are you involved in caring for disabled or infirm family members, neighbours or friends aged 75 or older outside of paid work? ___ hours.
This question was only asked in 2016, therefore no time series data are available.
The indicator is calculated as the mean number of hours out of all responses given by persons who answered the question (excluding those answering 'not applicable', 'don't know' or refusing to answer). This question was only asked to respondents who answered to the preceding question (Q42e) that they had been involved at least once a week in caring for disabled or infirm family members, neighbours or friends aged 75 or older.
The selection of relevant questions from the EQLS surveys to be included in the database was based on the following criteria:
Available flags:
b | break in time series | c | confidential |
d | definition differs, see metadata | e | estimated |
f | forecast | i | see metadata |
m | imputed | n | not significant |
p | provisional | r | revised |
s | Eurostat estimate | u | low reliability |
x | dropped due to insufficient sample size | y | unreliable due to small sample size |
z | not applicable |