Labour force categories: number of persons and farm work (AWU) by legal status of holding and economic size of farm (SO in Euro) ef_lflegecs

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Two kinds of units are generally used:

  • the units of measurement for the characteristics (area in hectares, livestock in (1000) heads or LSU (livestock units), labour force in persons or AWU (annual working units), standard output in Euro, etc.) and
  • the number of agricultural holdings having these characteristics.

FSS data are available for the following years: 1989/1990, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999/2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009/2010, 2013 and 2016. The agricultural censuses are in line with the FAO recommendations and are carried out every 10 years. The intermediate surveys are organised 3 (until 2007) or 2 times (since 2010) between the censuses. The exact reference periods are determined in legislation.

For 2010, 2013 and 2016, the reference periods are provided in Article 8 of the Regulation (EC) No 1166/2008. Article 16 of the same Regulation provides derogations for Greece, Spain and Portugal, where the references to the year 2010 are replaced by references to the year 2009. For the definition of the reference periods for groups of characteristics in legislation, as well as for the slight deviations from these reference periods in some countries in 2013 and their impact on the comparability across the countries and betweeen 2010 and 2013, see Farm structure survey - reference periods.

The surveys 1990 and 2000 covered a period between 1 December 1988 and 1 March 1991, respectively 1 December 1998 and 1 March 2001, thus the actual survey varied from country to country. See for which country and year the data is available on Eurostat website in the FSS glossary article.

Results are disseminated 2 years after the reference year.

Some coordination exists between surveys in some countries to avoid that farms need to answer multiple questionnaires with the same kind of questions.

More information for each country can be found in the national methodological reports.

Legislation is in place to provide financial support for national FSS surveys.  

Not applicable.