Index of total actual hours worked in the main job by sex and age group (2021 = 100) - quarterly data lfsi_ahw_q

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Most results measure number of persons (thousands). Some indicators are reported as rates (employment, unemployment rates) or ratios (share of total population). Rates and ratios in the LFS Main Indicators do not correct the denominator for item non-response due to the additional seasonal adjustment step. This can lead to marginal differences in rates and ratios due to rounding in comparison with the same indicators published in the detailed tables section. Due to the continuous update of SA estimates, it has to be noted that SA estimates may slightly differ between historical and current main Indicators tables. 

The reference periods are the calendar months, quarters or years, depending on the indicator. They are defined building up time periods based on the EU-LFS reference week. For details please refer to the ESMS page on 'Employment and unemployment (LFS)' (see link below in section 'related metadata').

Quarterly and Annual.

Not available.

Not applicable.