Persons reading newspapers in the last 12 months by sex cult_pcs_nws

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For data from EU-SILC and AES: % of total (covered) population. Regarding the reasons for non participation (EU-SILC), % of non-participants.

For data from ICT: % of individuals who used internet in the last 3 months or other (depending on the module).

For data from TUS: time spent, participation time and participation rate.

For data from AES: the 12 months prior to the interview.

For data from EU-SILC: the last 12 months (participation in cultural activities) or 'usual' (practice of artistic activities).

For data from ICT: in general, data refer to the first quarter of the reference year. For details see the methodology section for links to model questionnaires and country specific notes.

For data from TUS: Household members are asked to keep detailed diaries for 24 hours of a randomly designated weekday and one day of the weekend. This is in order to have representative coverage of a week in a full 12-month period of the reference year.

For data from AES: according to the calendar of this survey (2007 and 2011). Module on cultural participation not repeated in AES 2016.

For data from EU-SILC: following the calendar of the 'Cultural and social participation' ad-hoc module.

For data from ICT: annual for core questionnaire variables; biannual for rotating variables.

For data from TUS: currently, data for HETUS 2000 round for 14 countries and HETUS 2010 round for 18 countries are disseminated by Eurostat.

The general recommendation is to carry out TUS every 5-10 years. Several countries participate or plan to participate in the HETUS 2020 round.

Please consult the AES Metadata, EU-SILC Metadata and the ICT Metadata and TUS Metadata.

No notes.