Time spent in total work (paid and unpaid work as main or secondary activity) by sex and by form of work tus_00work

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Time spent, participation time and participation rate, see also section 3.4 Statistical concepts and definitions, above.

HETUS should cover a full 12 months period, i.e. 365 consecutive days. Each respondent should fill in the diary for two days, one weekday (Monday to Friday) and one weekend day (Saturday, Sunday).

Currently, only data for HETUS 2000 round for 14 countries and HETUS 2010 round for 18 countries are disseminated by Eurostat.

The general recommendation is to carry out TUS every 5-10 years. Several countries participate or plan to participate in the HETUS 2020 round.

No detailed information available. In general TUS are considered to be relatively costly and burdensome, both for the respondents (filling in detailed diaries as well as individual and household questionnaires) as well as for the statistical offices (coding of diaries, treatment and validation of data and compilation of aggregated results).
