Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union
F4: Income and living conditions; Quality of life
2920 Luxembourg LUXEMBOURG
The European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among Member States (MS) the health status (including disability), health determinants (lifestyle) of the EU citizens and use of health care services and limitations in accessing it.
The general coverage of the survey is the population aged 15 or over living in private households residing in the territory of the country.
EHIS was developed between 2003 and 2006. It consists of four modules on health status, health determinants, health care, and background variables (socio-demographic characteristics of the population).
Three waves of EHIS have currently been implemented. The first wave of EHIS (EHIS wave 1 or EHIS round 2008) was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in 17 EU Member States as well as Switzerland and Turkey.
The second wave (EHIS wave 2 or EHIS round 2014) was conducted between 2013 and 2015 in all EU Member States, Iceland, Norway and Turkey according to the Commission Regulation 141/2013.
The third wave of EHIS was conducted in 2019. All Member States participated in the EHIS wave 3 in accordance with the Commission Regulation (EU) No. 2018/255. A derogation regarding the data collection period was granted for some countries: the data collection period was 2018 for Belgium, 2018-2020 for Austria and Germany, and 2019-2020 for Malta.
The questionnaire consists of the same four modules for all the EHIS waves and over the years, some changes to the questionnaire have been implemented to satisfy specific users’ needs. Also, countries are allowed to include additional questions in the specific submodules or even specific sub-modules in the survey if this does not have an impact on the results of the compulsory variable
EHIS includes the following topics:
Health status
This topic includes different dimensions of health status and health-related activity limitations:
Health care
This topic covers the use of different types of medicines and formal and informal health and social care services, which are complemented by data on health-related expenditure, and limitations in access to and satisfaction with health care services:
Health determinants
This topic includes various individual and environmental health determinants:
Background variables on demography and socio-economic characteristics.
All indicators are expressed as percentages within the population and statistics are broken down by age and sex and one other dimension such as educational attainment level, income quintile group, degree of urbanization, country of birth, country of citizenship, activity limitation are planned to be used.
EHIS results are produced in accordance with the relevant international classification systems:
EHIS is a general population survey and health variables describe general population health, health determinants and use of health care services.
The following main indicators are disseminated:
Health status
Self-perceived health and well-being
- Major depressive symptoms: if item MH1A or MH1B and five or more items of MH1A to MH1H score at least ‘more than half the days’
- Other depressive symptoms: if item MH1A or MH1B and two, three or four items of MH1A to MH1H score at least ‘more than half the days’
- Any depressive symptoms: if ‘major depressive symptoms’ or ‘other depressive symptoms’ are recorded.
Functional and activity limitations
Self-reported chronic morbidity
A. Asthma (allergic asthma included)
B. Chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema
C. Myocardial infarction (heart attack) or chronic consequences of myocardial infarction
D. Coronary heart disease or angina pectoris
E. High blood pressure (hypertension)
F. Stroke (cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral thrombosis) or chronic consequences of stroke
G. Arthrosis (arthritis excluded)
H. Low back disorder or other chronic back defect
I. Neck disorder or other chronic neck defect
J. Diabetes
K. Allergy, such as rhinitis, hay fever, eye inflammation, dermatitis, food allergy or other allergy (allergic asthma excluded)
L. Cirrhosis of the liver
M. Urinary incontinence, problems in controlling the bladder
N. Kidney problems
O. Depression
P. High blood lipds (only in wave 3)
Injuries from accidents
Absence from work due to health problems
Health determinants
Body mass index
- Underweight: BMI less than 18.5
- Normal weight: BMI between 18.5 and less than 25
- Pre-obese: BMI between 25 and less than 30
- Obese: BMI equal or greater than 30
- Overweight: BMI equal or greater than 25 (Pre-obese + Obese)
Physical activity
- Heavy (mostly heavy labour or physically demanding work),
- Moderate (mostly walking or tasks involving moderate physical effort),
- None or light (i.e. either not performing any working tasks or mostly sitting or standing)
Consumption of fruits and vegetables
Tobacco consumption
Alcohol consumption
Social environment
Health care
Preventive services
Medicine use
Home care and help
Unmet needs for healthcare
Indicators on unmet needs for medical and dental examination are also collected from the European Survey on Income and Living conditions (EU-SILC). The differences between the indicators compiled from EHIS and EU-SILC are that (a) the EHIS survey includes individual questions corresponding to the reasons behind unmet needs in health care are in place, while the EU-SILC survey only asks for the main reason behind unmet needs for medical care, (b) the percentages disseminated from EU-SILC are calculated over the entire population aged 16 and over, while the percentages from the EHIS are calculated over the population aged 15 and over that were in need of health care in the previous 12 months prior to the survey, (c) the sequence of questions is not the same between the EHIS and EU-SILC and the two surveys differ in terms of their concept and context.
EHIS uses the following main breakdowns for presenting statistics:
Sex: females, males.
Age: the age completed at the time of the interview. 10-year age groups (15-24, 25-34, ..., 75+) are used by default for most indicators. In addition, other age groups varying among indicators are used.
Educational attainment level: the education attainment levels of individuals are classified according to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) version of 1997 (wave 1) and version of 2011 (wave 2) and are grouped as follows:
Income quintile group: is computed on the basis of the total equivalised disposable income attributed to each member of the household (for more details on the definition, please consult EU-SILC reference metadata file).
The data (of each person) are ordered according to the value of the total equivalised disposable income. Four cut-point values (the so-called quintile cut-off points) of income, dividing the survey population into five groups equally represented by 20 % of individuals each, are found:
The first quintile group represents 20 % of population with lowest income and the fifth quintile group 20 % of population with highest income.
Labour status: main perceived labour status using the following categories:
Degree of urbanisation: is the classification that maps geographical areas (at level Local Administrative Units–Level 2; municipalities or equivalent) into three categories with low, medium or high degree of urbanisation. It reflects the type of locality the individual/household is living in, namely whether that is a city (densely-populated area), town and suburbs (intermediate-populated area), or rural area (thinly-populated area).
Country of birth: is the country where a person was born, defined as the country of usual residence of mother at the time of the birth, or by default, the country in which the birth occurred. The following broad categories are used in the dissemination: reporting country, EU countries except reporting country, non-EU countries nor reporting country, foreign country.
Country of citizenship: is defined as the particular legal bond between an individual and his/her State and grouped into the categories: reporting country, EU countries except reporting country, non-EU countries nor reporting country, foreign country.
Activity limitation: the concept is operationalized by using the Global Activity Limitation Indicator (GALI) for observing limitation in activities people usually do because of one or more health problems. The limitation should have lasted for at least the past six months. The levels used for activity limitation are: ‘severe’, ‘moderate’, ‘limited’ (including severe and moderate) or ‘none’.
The statistical unit is the individual.
All persons aged 15 years or over living in private households and residing in the territory of the country.
EHIS wave 1 (2008 round): AT, BE, BG, CZ, CY, DE, EE, EL, ES, FR, HU, LV, MT, PL, RO, SI, SK and CH and TR. (Data not available and disseminated for CH)
EHIS wave 2 (2014 round): EU Member States, Iceland, Norway and Turkey.
EHIS wave 3 (2019 round): EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, Serbia and Turkey. Other countries might be considered for dissemination later on once the data will be available (for instance, Albania).
Note: Results from EHIS wave 1 are temporarily disseminated under 'Historical data'.
The first wave of EHIS was carried out in the years and countries indicated below:
The second wave of EHIS was implemented as follows:
The third wave of EHIS was conducted as follows:
Not applicable.
All indicators are calculated in terms of percentages.
EHIS makes use of a variety of reference periods (the following refers to the second wave):
The first wave was conducted on the basis of a gentlemen’s agreement (in other words, without a legal obligation) established in the framework of Eurostat Working Group on "Public Health Statistics".
According to the Regulation 1338/2008 on Community statistics on public health and health and safety at work EHIS is to be conducted every five years. EHIS wave 2 was conducted in all EU Member States and in Iceland and Norway between 2013 and 2015 according to the Commission Regulation 141/2013 and its subsequent amendment to take account of the accession of Croatia to the EU (European Commission Regulation (EU) No 68/2014) as regards statistics based on the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS).
Derogations from Regulation (EC) No 1338/2008, as implemented by the Commission, concerning statistics based on the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) are described in the Commission Implementing Decision of 19 February 2013.
EHIS wave 3 was conducted in all EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, Albania and Serbia, between 2018 and 2020, according to the Commission Regulation 2018/255 as regards statistics based on the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS). A Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/257 granted derogations to certain Member States with respect to the transmission of statistics for certain variables.
Not applicable.
Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics (recital 24 and Article 20(4)) of 11 March 2009 (OJ L 87, p. 164), stipulates the need to establish common principles and guidelines ensuring the confidentiality of data used for the production of European statistics and the access to those confidential data with due account for technical developments and the requirements of users in a democratic society.
EHIS microdata are available to researchers carrying out statistical analyses for scientific purposes (wave 3 microdata will be available in the last quarter of 2021). The microdata do not contain any administrative information such as names or addresses that would allow direct identification. In order to ensure high level of confidentiality, a set of anonymisation rules was applied, including dropping of some variables or grouping answer categories. For more details about access to microdata see:
For the purposes of dissemination of aggregated data the following rules are applied:
There is no release calendar.
Not applicable.
In line with the European Union legal framework and the European Statistics Code of Practice Eurostat disseminates European statistics on Eurostat's website (see item 10 - 'Accessibility and clarity') respecting professional independence and in an objective, professional and transparent manner in which all users are treated equitably. The detailed arrangements are governed by the Eurostat protocol on impartial access to Eurostat data for users.
EHIS wave 1 was conducted in 19 European countries between 2006 and 2009. Data are disseminated for 18 countries: AT, BE, BG, CZ, CY, DE, EE, EL, ES, FR, HU, LV, MT, PL, RO, SI, SK and TR. Results from EHIS wave 1 are temporarily disseminated under 'Historical data'.
EHIS wave 2 was conducted in all EU Member States, Iceland, Norway and Turkey between 2013 and 2015. Data have been gradually disseminated from the third quarter of 2016.
EHIS wave 3 was conducted in all EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, Albania, Serbia and Turkey, between 2018 and 2020. Data have been gradually disseminated from the third quarter of 2021 (data from Iceland, Albania and the United Kingdom will be disseminated once available).
Not available.
EHIS data are included in various health-oriented and cross-cutting Eurostat online publications: Health in the European Union – facts and figures and Disability statistics.
Statistical articles using data from the European health interview survey:
Please consult free data on-line at: under respective sections:
Due to the confidential character of the EHIS microdata, direct access to the anonymised data will be only provided by means of research contracts. Access is in principle restricted to universities, research institutes, national statistical institutes, central banks inside the EU, as well as to the European Central Bank. Individuals cannot be granted direct access. For more details about access to microdata see:
Eurostat internet address:
General description of EHIS methodology is described in the article European health interview survey - methodology.
Methodological guidelines as well as other relevant documents are available at:
EHIS wave 1 - assessment (available in Circabc, interest group Public Health statistics, only to registered users)
EHIS wave 3 - assessment (available in the last quarter of 2021)
EHIS aims at achieving an input standardisation. A model questionnaire (questions, answer categories, filters, etc.) as well as conceptual guidelines and rationales were prepared. Conceptual translation into all EU languages was requested.
Recommendations on the questionnaire are complemented with guidelines on data collection methods and procesing of data.
Eurostat also applies consistency and integrity checks on the microdata so that minimum output quality standard is reached. In addition, data are accompanied with quality reports stating the accuracy, coherence and comparability of the data.
National surveys implementing the first wave of EHIS were conducted in different ways; Member States have had the flexibility to adopt different practices, for example in terms of the extent to which the common questionnaire was adapted and aligned with national needs, the modes of data collection and administration used, the data collection period, etc.
Some of the practices are highlighted here.
In most cases the first wave of EHIS was conducted as a stand-alone survey, whereas in France and Germany it was integrated into existing health interview surveys. Germany, Estonia, France, Austria and Turkey excluded some parts of at least one of the four EHIS modules. In some countries a different sequence of questions was followed from that foreseen in the common questionnaire. The majority of questions which were added or modified in national questionnaires were related to socio-demographic questions such as employment and also changes to the list of chronic conditions. More information on the harmonisation of national questions with EHIS standard questionnaire for the first wave can be found in the Comparison of EHIS source questions with national survey questions. In some cases, modified questions were used in sections related to alcohol, drug consumption and health care services.
Countries used different ways of conducting the first wave of EHIS and performed differently according to various quality-related indicators, which could also have had an impact on results.
Regarding the national implementation of EHIS wave 2, an overview of the practices adopted is presented below.
The second wave of EHIS was conducted either as a stand-alone survey (in 20 countries), or as an element of another survey (in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, France, the Netherlands, Norway) or as a follow-up of another survey (the Czech Republic, Austria, the United Kingdom (as far as Great Britain is concerned). Across countries, the same set of variables was collected following the Commission implementing Regulation on EHIS. However, in ten countries, national questionnaires comprised additional questions than those specified in the Commission Regulation, for national purposes. Most countries did not change the order of submodules or questions in their national questionnaires. More information on the modifications and adaptions applied at national level with reference to the EHIS standard questionnaire for the second wave can be found in the EHIS wave 2 - assessment.
Some of the modifications listed below may have influenced the accuracy or comparability of the results, but in general, an overall good quality level of the resulting data and indicators was achieved in EHIS wave 2.
The third wave of EHIS was conducted according to the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 2018/255 of 19 February 2018.
More information on data quality can be found in a synthesis of national quality reports for the first wave and second wave. The EU Quality Report for the third wave will be available in the last quarter of 2021.
EHIS answers mainly to DG SANTE and DG EMPL policy needs. Data are also be used by researchers to make in-depth analyses on specific health issues. The EHIS aims at measuring on a harmonised basis and with a high degree of comparability among EU Member States the health status (including disability), health determinants and health care services (use and unmet needs) of the EU citizens. The topics included in the questionnaire both answer to policy driven needs and to scientific purposes. Within this framework, the EHIS concentrates on the main elements needed at EU level and does not intend to cover all detailed health aspects which can better be carried out via specific surveys or survey modules at national level, or at EU level when necessary.
The main users of the EHIS data are:
Not available.
EHIS covers only people living in private households (all persons aged 15 and over within the household are eligible for the operation), i.e. children 0-14 and persons living in collective households or in institutions are excluded from the target population.
Not available.
Standard errors of key indicators are commonly used as a measure of the reliability of data collected through sample survey. In their national quality reports, Member states provided the standard error for 5 indicators:
The term 'non-sampling error' is a generic one that encompasses any errors other than sampling errors. The non-sampling errors discussed in this section are: coverage errors, measurement and processing errors, and non-response errors.
Coverage errors
Coverage errors are caused by the imperfections of a sampling frame for the target population of the survey.
In EHIS two main groups can be defined in terms of the sampling frame used:
A systematic source of coverage problems is the time lag between the reference date for the selection of the sample and the fieldwork period, which should be made the shortest.
In the second and third wavea of EHIS, the quality of the sampling frames was high across all participating countries, since the time lag between their update and the time of actual sampling was, in most cases, narrow and the coverage was high. Exceptions could be considered countries using the 2011 census as sampling frame.
Measurement and processing errors
Generally, measurement errors arise from the questionnaire, the interviewer, the interviewee and the data collection method used.
It is vital in a survey like EHIS, which collects a multitude of health components with different time period references, that the questionnaire is constructed so that the interviewee can provide all the correct information. In particular, experiences from pilot surveys were used in order to optimize the data collection process. The questionnaires were also tested (cognitive testing) in order to identify potential sources of problems. Especially in EHIS wave 2, pre-testing and pilot testing were used by 22 countries for optimizing the data collection process and identifying potential sources of problems.
Due to the complexity and the sensitivity of the survey, the interviewees could not or did not want to give information on specific topics (their alcohol consumption, their income, accidents and injuries, etc).
For EHIS wave 3, pre-testing and/or pilot testing were used by 14 countries for optimizing the data collection process and identifying potential sources of problems.
Non-response errors
All surveys have to deal with non-response, i.e. information missing for some of the sample units. Unit non-response happens when no interview can be obtained, while item non-response does when only some of the items are missing. EHIS suffers from these two types of non-response:
Non-response is a potential source of bias particularly if the non-responding units have specific survey patterns ('non-ignorable' non-response). For instance, persons with limitations (physical or sensorial) are less keen to give health information to an interviewer, thus some groups with particular features are under-represented in the sample and the estimates downwardly biased.
More specifically in EHIS wave 2, the variables that recorded more frequently an item non-response rate greater than 10 % were “Need to receive help or more help with one or more self-care activities” (PC3), “Time spent on doing sports, fitness or recreational physical activities in a typical week” (PE7), “Time spent on bicycling to get to and from places on a typical day” (PE5), “Need for help or more help with one or more domestic activities” (HA3) and “Net monthly equivalised income of the household” (HHINCOME).
A majority of the countries applied calibration methods (i.e. changes in the weighting factors) in order to correct for non-response.
Finally, in EHIS wave 3, the variables that recorded more frequently an item non-response rate greater than 10 % were “Net monthly equivalised income of the household” (HHINCOME), Country of birth of father and mother (variables BIRTHPLACEFATH and BIRTHPLACEMOTH).
There was no fixed time for transmitting data on EHIS wave 1 collection to Eurostat.
Regulation on EHIS wave 2 (Commission Regulation 141/2013) specified that "Microdata shall be made available at the latest by 30 September 2015 or nine months after the end of the national data collection period in cases where the survey is carried out beyond December 2014."
Regulation on EHIS wave 3 (Commission Regulation 2018/255) specified that "Member States shall transmit the pre-checked microdata within 9 months after the end of the national period for collecting the data."
Not applicable for EHIS wave 1.
For EHIS waves 2 and 3, the majority of countries provided their microdata to Eurostat on time (September 2015 or October 2015 for wave 2 and September 2020 or October 2020 for wave 3).
EHIS aims at achieving an input standardisation. A standard model questionnaire (questions, answer categories, filters, etc.) as well as conceptual guidelines and rationales were prepared. Conceptual translation into all EU languages was requested.
An assessment of the implementation of standard model questionnaire in EHIS wave 2 showed major modifications / adaptations in a couple of countries regarding the definitions used as regards:
Disseminated indicators are accompanied by a flag "d: definition differs", which shows the cases where the national definition differs from the definition in methodological guidelines and this deviation is supposed to have impact on the results.
Estimates of the EU average for EHIS wave 2 indicators derived from variables for which country coverage is not complete are flagged with "e: estimated”. This concerns the following indicators, since at least one country has been granted derogation:
For EHIS wave 3, derogations were granted to:
In addition, Norway used slightly different answer categories in some variables on alcohol consumption and preventive services and no data for this country is disseminated when these variables are used in the computation of the related indicators.
Between EHIS waves 1 and 2 implementation, modifications in the model questions were limited in order to safeguard the comparability of the results over time. An assessment of the degree of comparability of the EHIS wave 2 model questionnaire with the respective wave 1 model questionnaire as well as a description of the change that might have been implemented is provided in the EHIS wave 2 methodological manual.
At country level, an overall assessment of the comparability of the national questions between the two waves is reflected in the Comparability assessment of the data between EHIS wave 1 and 2. The analysis undertaken shows a number of differences between the data collected through the two waves across countries, which more frequently stem from divergences and differentiations in the implementation of the EHIS wave 1 questions at national level.
In the EHIS wave 3 methodological manual, an evaluation of comparability of the variables withthe ones from wave 2 is provided using the scale: "identical question"; "slight revision of question", "strong revision of question", or "none: new question in EHIS wave 3".
An overall assessment of the comparability of the national questions between the EHIS waves 2 and 3 is underway and will be available in the last quarter of 2021.
EHIS and EU-SILC includes exactly the same three questions of the MEHM. An analysis performed in the past revealed differences in national adaptations of MEHM between EHIS wave 1 and EU-SILC for some countries.
The assessment of the implementation of MEHM in EHIS wave 2 and EU-SILC also revealed differences across some countries. Those cannot be attributed to major differentiations in the wording the national questions between the two survey items but rather to the product of differences in the methods of measurement, data collection period, order of questions and context effects in the framework of the different concepts served by the surveys. The analysis is reflected in the paper Comparison of EHIS and SILC MEHM questions.
Not applicable.
Not available.
Tables will be updated for countries for which data were not available at the time of last update.
The data are collected via national surveys. EHIS may be implemented as a separate national survey or can be integrated into an existing national survey (i.e. national health interview survey, labour force survey, other household survey). In such a way Member States have had the maximum flexibility for implementation. However, across the EU the same data were collected according a common list of variables and answer categories.
Every 5 years. First data collection took place between 2006 and 2009 (2008 round), the second round between 2013 and 2015 (2014 round) and the third round between 2018 and 2020 (2019 round). The next round (EHIS wave 4) is planned for 2025 and afterwards at regular six-year interval (2031, 2037, etc.).
Data are collected via questionnaires and are obtained through face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, self-administered questionnaires or by a combination of these means, depending on the country (in an electronic or non-electronic version).
Flags, codes added to each strata and defining a specific characteristic of the statistics in that strata, are used for dissemination purposes. Strata must be understood as the number of respondents belonging to the measured subgroup; for example the men in Bulgaria between 54 and 65 years old and having upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education. The strata sizes of the different samples were calculated as well as the missing percentages on the answers. Flags for eliminating too small strata and for indicating unreliable strata were applied as follows:
"c: confidental" is set for data of Germany for EHIS wave 1 where strata sizes are below 20 observations. (Germany delivered aggregated data and indicated those cells).
Due to different time periods and incomplete coverage reasons, no EU aggregates are calculated from EHIS wave 1.
EU aggregate is calculated from EHIS waves 2 and 3. An EU aggregate is disseminated if the underlying data covers at least 70 % of the target population. If the EU aggregate is not based on data from all EU countries, it is flagged as 'e' (estimated).
No imputation was applied in Eurostat but may have been applied on national level.
Personal/individual weights (not available for MT and EHIS wave 1) were applied to calculate national and EU aggregates.
Not available.