Self-reported unmet needs for health care by sex, age, specific reasons and degree of urbanisation hlth_ehis_un1u

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All indicators are calculated in terms of percentages.

EHIS makes use of a variety of reference periods (the following refers to the second wave):

  • Current period of time: some variables on health status and most variables on health determinants refer to the current (typical) situation
  • One typical week: variables related to physical activity
  • Previous 2 weeks: variables related to medicine use and mental health
  • Previous 4 weeks: variables related to pain and frequency of consultations of health professionals
  • Previous 12 months: variables related to accidents and injuries, disease-specific morbidity, most variables on health care and alcohol consumption.

EHIS wave 1 was conducted in 19 European countries between 2006 and 2009. Data are disseminated for 18 countries: AT, BE, BG, CZ, CY, DE, EE, EL, ES, FR, HU, LV, MT, PL, RO, SI, SK and TR. Results from EHIS wave 1 are temporarily disseminated under 'Historical data'.

EHIS wave 2 was conducted in all EU Member States, Iceland, Norway and Turkey between 2013 and 2015. Data have been gradually disseminated from the third quarter of 2016.

EHIS wave 3 was conducted in all EU Member States, Iceland, Norway, Albania, Serbia and Turkey, between 2018 and 2020. Data have been gradually disseminated from the third quarter of 2021 (data from Albania and the United Kingdom will be disseminated once available).

Not available.

Not available.