Average age when leaving formal education by sex and educational attainment level for persons who left within the last 3 or 5 years edat_lfso_09t1

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Number of persons, generally expressed in thousands. When indicated, averages, rates or percentages. Some variables are reported in other units (ages in years, working time in hours, etc.).

The reference period are not identical with the one for the quarterly LFS data. It exists differences between countries and modules. For more detailed information, please consult EU-LFS (Statistics Explained) - Ad-hoc modules.

Yearly. Topics of the LFS ad hoc modules change from year to year. Some topics are repeated on a no predefined basis.  

Not applicable.

The ad-hoc module data for 1999 are available under other domain on Eurostat's website, at the following locations:

- 1999 - Accidents at work and occupational diseases: Database / Population and social conditions / Health / Health and safety at work / Work related health problems and accidental injuries (LFS 1999)