Intentional homicide and sexual offences by legal status and sex of the person involved crim_hom_soff

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  • Absolute number.
  • Rate per 100.000 population size.

Population size is defined as resident population January 1st according to Eurostat database population figures.

Crime offences - the standard reference period is the calendar year.

Criminal Justice Personnel – the standard reference date is 31 December.

Prison figures - the reference date for held persons is 31 December, except for the following countries:

DK - Denmark: 1st September

DE - Germany: 30th November and 31st March

SI - Slovenia: 31st January

SE - Sweden: 1st October

NO - Norway: 1st January

CH – Switzerland: 31st of January of the following year.


The crime statistics collected by Eurostat are based on existing data compiled by national administrative sources. Also, the joint data collection between Eurostat and UNODC avoids duplication of data collections and unnecessary response burden for the data providers. The two data collection questionnaires (one for UNODC, one for specific EU needs) are structured in the same way to facilitate the completion of the questionnaires. In addition, Eurostat provides guidance notes and a helpdesk facility to support the national contact points when completing the questionnaires.