Eurobarometer: In general, how common do you think that domestic violence against women is in your country? (% of respondents) eb_spec_vawomfreq

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Indicators are expressed as percentages of all respondents that chose a particular answer to each question. The breakdowns are given by sex and, where relevant, other respondent characteristics.

The Special Eurobarometer 449, 437, 428 and 344 surveys are non-recurrent. The measured observation refers to the current situation, refenced by the year of publication, within the geographic area covered. The following exceptions apply:

  • Special Eurobarometer 449 on gender-based violence includes several questions from a 2010 Special Eurobarometer (Special Eurobarometer 344 / Wave 73.2) about violence against women. The fieldwork for Special Eurobarometer 344 was conducted from 26 February to 17 March 2010 and the official Special Report was published in September 2010. Trend results from these questions are discussed in the official report for Special Eurobarometer 449.

There is no fixed frequency for dissemination. Special Eurobarometer surveys are non-recurrent. Statistics derived from the surveys are consolidated into an official Special Report for dissemination on the European Commission's Eurobarometer webpage.

Data collection is co-ordinated by TNS opinion for Special Eurobarometer 449, 437, 428 and 344 and carried out through its network of national institutes, at the request of the European Parliament, Directorate-General for Communication, and of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication.

There is no burden on Member States.
