European Commission wmid_ec

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Source type:
Data collected by EIGE
Source organisation:
European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)
Source organisation URL:
Source activity:
Data collection on women and men in decision-making (WMID)
Source reference:
Data collected by EIGE from January 2017 and previously by the European Commission, DG Justice
Data type:
Administrative data
Harmonised at EU level
Time format:
3 month periods (quarters)
Imported on:
Number of values:

1999, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

1999-Q3, 2003-Q3, 2004-Q2, 2004-Q3, 2004-Q4, 2005-Q1, 2005-Q2, 2005-Q3, 2005-Q4, 2006-Q1, 2006-Q2, 2006-Q3, 2006-Q4, 2007-Q1, 2007-Q2, 2007-Q4, 2008-Q1, 2008-Q2, 2008-Q3, 2008-Q4, 2009-Q1, 2009-Q2, 2009-Q3, 2009-Q4, 2010-Q1, 2010-Q2, 2010-Q3, 2010-Q4, 2011-Q1, 2011-Q2, 2011-Q3, 2011-Q4, 2012-Q1, 2012-Q2, 2012-Q3, 2012-Q4, 2013-Q1, 2013-Q2, 2013-Q3, 2013-Q4, 2014-Q1, 2014-Q2, 2014-Q3, 2014-Q4, 2015-Q1, 2015-Q2, 2015-Q3, 2015-Q4, 2016-Q1, 2016-Q2, 2016-Q3, 2016-Q4, 2017-Q1, 2017-Q2, 2017-Q3, 2017-Q4, 2018-Q1, 2018-Q2, 2018-Q3, 2018-Q4, 2019-Q1, 2019-Q2, 2019-Q3, 2019-Q4, 2020-Q1, 2020-Q2, 2020-Q3, 2020-Q4, 2021-Q1, 2021-Q2, 2021-Q3, 2021-Q4, 2022-Q1, 2022-Q2, 2022-Q3, 2022-Q4, 2023-Q1, 2023-Q2, 2023-Q3, 2023-Q4, 2024-Q1, 2024-Q2, 2024-Q3, 2024-Q4

Code Value
EC European Commission
Code Value
EC European Commission
Code Value
PRES_EC President of the European Commission
MEMB_EC Members of the European Commission (Commissioners)
Code Value
T Total
M Men
W Women
Code Value
NR Number
PC Percentage