Temporary employees by sex, age and economic activity (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2) - 1 000 lfsa_etgan2

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Source type:
Data from external sources
Source organisation:
Source organisation URL:
Source activity:
EU Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS)
Source reference:
EU Labour Force Survey (EU LFS) data; downloaded from Eurostat’s online database as dataset lfsa_etgan2
Data type:
Survey data
Harmonised at EU level
Time format:
Imported on:
Number of values:

2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

employee, employees, wage-earners
Code Value
Y15-19 From 15 to 19 years
Y15-24 From 15 to 24 years
Y15-29 From 15 to 29 years
Y15-39 From 15 to 39 years
Y15-59 From 15 to 59 years
Y15-64 From 15 to 64 years
Y15-74 From 15 to 74 years
Y_GE15 15 years or over
Y20-64 From 20 to 64 years
Y25-34 From 25 to 34 years
Y25-49 From 25 to 49 years
Y25-59 From 25 to 59 years
Y25-64 From 25 to 64 years
Y25-74 From 25 to 74 years
Y_GE25 25 years or over
Y35-44 From 35 to 44 years
Y40-59 From 40 to 59 years
Y40-64 From 40 to 64 years
Y50-59 From 50 to 59 years
Y50-64 From 50 to 64 years
Y50-74 From 50 to 74 years
Y_GE50 50 years or over
Y55-64 From 55 to 64 years
Y55-74 From 55 to 74 years
Y_GE65 65 years or over
Y_GE75 75 years or over
Code Value
TOTAL Total - all NACE activities
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
B Mining and quarrying
C Manufacturing
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
F Construction
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
H Transportation and storage
I Accommodation and food service activities
J Information and communication
K Financial and insurance activities
L Real estate activities
M Professional, scientific and technical activities
N Administrative and support service activities
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
P Education
Q Human health and social work activities
R Arts, entertainment and recreation
S Other service activities
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
U Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies
NRP No response
Code Value
T Total
M Men
W Women
Code Value
THS_PER Thousand persons