Activities via internet not done because of security concerns isoc_cisci_ax

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Source type:
Data from external sources
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Source activity:
Community Statistics on Information Society (CSIS)
Source reference:
Community Statistics on Information Society (CSIS) data; downloaded from Eurostat’s online database as dataset isoc_cisci_ax
Data type:
Survey data
Harmonised at EU level
Time format:
Imported on:
Number of values:

2010, 2015, 2019

Code Value
I_SBGOOD Security concerns limited or prevented individuals from ordering or buying goods or services
I_SBBANK Security concerns limited or prevented individuals from carrying out internet banking
I_SBPERS Security concerns limited or prevented individuals from providing personal information to social or professional networking services
I_SBGOV Security concerns limited or prevented individuals from communicating with public services or administrations
I_SBSOFT Security concerns limited or prevented individuals from downloading software or apps, music, video files, games or other data files
I_SBMOB1 Security concerns limited or prevented individuals from using the Internet via public WiFi
I_SBMOB Security concerns kept individual from using the internet with mobile device (e.g. laptop) via wireless connection from places other than home
I_SBOTH Security concerns limited or prevented individuals from doing other activities than I_SBGOOD, I_SBBANK, I_SBPERS, I_SBGOV, I_SBSOFT and I_SBMOB1
I_SBANY Security concerns limited or prevented individuals from doing any of the following activities: I_SBGOOD, I_SBBANK, I_SBPERS, I_SBGOV, I_SBSOFT or I_SBMOB1
I_SECFL2GB Experienced financial loss over the internet and security concerns limited or prevented individuals from doing any of the following activities: I_SBGOOD, I_SBBANK
I_SECFLGB Experienced financial loss over the internet and security concerns kept individual from doing ordering/bying goods/services or carrying out banking activities
Code Value
IND_TOTAL All Individuals
Y0_15 Individuals, 15 years old or less
Y16_24 Individuals, 16 to 24 years old
Y25_34 Individuals, 25 to 34 years old
Y25_54 Individuals, 25 to 54 years old
Y25_64 Individuals, 25 to 64 years old
Y35_44 Individuals, 35 to 44 years old
Y45_54 Individuals, 45 to 54 years old
Y55_64 Individuals, 55 to 64 years old
Y55_74 Individuals, 55 to 74 years old
Y65_74 Individuals, 65 to 74 years old
Y75_MAX Individuals, 75 years old or more
Y16_24LO Individuals aged 16-24 with low education
Y16_24ME Individuals aged 16-24 with medium formal education
Y16_24HI Individuals aged 16-24 with high formal education
Y25_54LO Individuals aged 25 to 54 with low formal education
Y25_54ME Individuals aged 25 to 54 with medium formal education
Y25_54HI Individuals aged 25 to 54 with high formal education
Y25_64LO Individuals aged 25 to 64 with low formal education
Y25_64ME Individuals aged 25 to 64 with medium formal education
Y25_64HI Individuals aged 25 to 64 with high formal education
Y55_74LO Individuals aged 55 to 74 with low formal education
Y55_74ME Individuals aged 55 to 74 with medium formal education
Y55_74HI Individuals aged 55 to 74 with high formal education
Y25_64_SALSELFFAM Individuals aged 25 to 64 who are employees, self-employed or family workers
Y25_64_UNE Individuals aged 25 to 64 who are unemployed
Y25_64_EMPL_UNE Individuals aged 25 to 64 who are in the labour force (employed and unemployed)
Y25_64_RETIROTH Individuals aged 25 to 64 who are retired or not in the labour force (excluding students)
M_Y16_24 Males, 16 to 24 years old
F_Y16_24 Females, 16 to 24 years old
M_Y16_74 Males, 16 to 74 years old
F_Y16_74 Females, 16 to 74 years old
M_Y25_34 Males, 25 to 34 years old
F_Y25_34 Females, 25 to 34 years old
M_Y25_54 Males 25 to 54 years old
F_Y25_54 Females 25 to 54 years old
M_Y25_64 Males, 25 to 64 years old
F_Y25_64 Females, 25 to 64 years old
M_Y35_44 Males 35 to 44 years old
F_Y35_44 Females 35 to 44 years old
M_Y45_54 Males 45 to 54 years old
F_Y45_54 Females 45 to 54 years old
M_Y55_64 Males 55 to 64 years old
F_Y55_64 Females 55 to 64 years old
M_Y55_74 Males 55 to 74 years old
F_Y55_74 Females 55 to 74 years old
M_Y65_74 Males 65 to 74 years old
F_Y65_74 Females 65 to 74 years old
M_I0_2 Males with low formal education
F_I0_2 Females with low formal education
M_I3_4 Males with medium formal education
F_I3_4 Females with medium formal education
M_I5_8 Males with high formal education
F_I5_8 Females with high formal education
I0_2 Individuals with no or low formal education
I3_4 Individuals with medium formal education
I5_8 Individuals with high formal education
CB_EU_FOR Individuals who are born in another EU Member State
CB_EXT_EU Individuals who are born in non-EU country
CB_FOR Individuals who are foreign-born
CB_NAT Individuals who are native-born
CC_EU_FOR Nationals of another EU-Member State
CC_EXT_EU Nationals of non-EU country
CC_FOR Non-nationals
CC_NAT Nationals
EMPL_UNE Individuals in the labour force (employed and unemployed)
HHI_Q1 Individual living in a household with income in first quartile
HHI_Q2 Individual living in a household with income in second quartile
HHI_Q3 Individual living in a household with income in third quartile
HHI_Q4 Individual living in a household with income in fourth quartile
IND_DEG1 Individuals living in cities
IND_DEG2 Individuals living in towns and suburbs
IND_DEG3 Individuals living in rural areas
IND_O1 Individuals living in Objective 1 regions / 'Convergence' regions
IND_NO1 Individuals living in Not Objective 1 regions / 'Regional Competitiveness and Employment' Region
IND_BROAD Individuals living in a household with broadband access
IND_BROADX Individuals living in a household with Internet access but with no broadband access
ISCO_ICT ICT professionals
ISCO_ICTX Non ICT professionals
ISCO0_5 Non-manual including the armed forces
ISCO6_9 Manual
RETIR_OTHER Individuals who are retired or not in the labour force (excluding students)
SAL_SELF_FAM Employees, self-employed, family workers
STUD Students
UNE Unemployed
IND_DCH Individuals living in a household with children
IND_NO_DCH Individuals living in a household without children
Code Value
PC_IND Percentage of individuals
PC_IND_ILT12 Percentage of individuals who used internet within the last year