Persons using a website or app of public authorities by level of disability (activity limitation) dsb_icteg04

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Source type:
Data from external sources
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Source organisation URL:
Source activity:
EU survey on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in households and by individuals
Source reference:
Downloaded from Eurostat's online database as dataset dsb_icteg04
Data type:
Survey data
Harmonised at EU level
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Code Value
I_IGOVANYS Internet use: website or app of public authorities (last 12 months)
Code Value
DIS_LTD Disability (activity limitation) - limited, but not severely
DIS_LTD_SEV Disability (activity limitation) - limited or severely limited
DIS_SEV Disability (activity limitation) - severely limited
DIS_NONE Disability (activity limitation) - not limited at all
F_DIS_LTD Females with disability (activity limitation) - limited, but not severely
F_DIS_LTD_SEV Females with disability (activity limitation) - limited or severely limited
F_DIS_SEV Females with disability (activity limitation) - severely limited
F_DIS_NONE Females with disability (activity limitation) - not limited at all
M_DIS_LTD Males with disability (activity limitation) - limited, but not severely
M_DIS_LTD_SEV Males with disability (activity limitation) - limited or severely limited
M_DIS_SEV Males with disability (activity limitation) - severely limited
M_DIS_NONE Males with disability (activity limitation) - not limited at all
Y16_24_DIS_LTD Individuals aged 16 to 24 with disability (activity limitation) - limited, but not severely
Y16_24_DIS_LTD_SEV Individuals aged 16 to 24 with disability (activity limitation) - limited or severely limited
Y16_24_DIS_SEV Individuals aged 16 to 24 with disability (activity limitation) - severely limited
Y16_24_DIS_NONE Individuals aged 16 to 24 with disability (activity limitation) - not limited at all
Y25_54_DIS_LTD Individuals aged 25 to 54 with disability (activity limitation) - limited, but not severely
Y25_54_DIS_LTD_SEV Individuals aged 25 to 54 with disability (activity limitation) - limited or severely limited
Y25_54_DIS_SEV Individuals aged 25 to 54 with disability (activity limitation) - severely limited
Y25_54_DIS_NONE Individuals aged 25 to 54 with disability (activity limitation) - not limited at all
Y55_74_DIS_LTD Individuals aged 55 to 74 with disability (activity limitation) - limited, but not severely
Y55_74_DIS_LTD_SEV Individuals aged 55 to 74 with disability (activity limitation) - limited or severely limited
Y55_74_DIS_SEV Individuals aged 55 to 74 with disability (activity limitation) - severely limited
Y55_74_DIS_NONE Individuals aged 55 to 74 with disability (activity limitation) - not limited at all
Code Value
PC_IND Percentage of individuals