Persons reporting a chronic disease, by disease, sex, age and contry of birth hlth_ehis_cd1b

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Source type:
Data from external sources
Source organisation:
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Source activity:
European Health Interview Survey (EHIS)
Source reference:
Downloaded from Eurostat’s online database as dataset hlth_ehis_bm1d
Data type:
Survey data
Harmonised at EU level
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Imported on:
Number of values:

2014, 2019

chronic disease, chronic diseases, chronic liver disease, disease, diseases, illness, medical condition
Code Value
PC Percentage
Code Value
ARTHRO Arthrosis
LW_CHR_BACK Low back disorder or other chronic back defect
NECK Neck disorder or other chronic neck defect
CHR_LW_RES Chronic lower respiratory diseases (excluding asthma)
HRT_CHR_ATK Heart attack or chronic consequences of heart attack
CHRT_ANGPEC Coronary heart disease or angina pectoris
HBLPR High blood pressure
HBLLIP High blood lipids
STRK_CHR Stroke or chronic consequences of stroke
CIRRHOSIS Cirrhosis of the liver
URIN Urinary incontinence, problems in controlling the bladder
KIDNEY Kidney problems
DIAB Diabetes
ALLGY Allergy
DPR_CHR Chronic depression
Code Value
T Total
M Men
W Women
Code Value
Y15-24 From 15 to 24 years
Y15-29 From 15 to 29 years
Y15-44 From 15 to 44 years
Y15-64 From 15 to 64 years
Y25-34 From 25 to 34 years
Y25-64 From 25 to 64 years
Y35-44 From 35 to 44 years
Y45-54 From 45 to 54 years
Y45-64 From 45 to 64 years
Y55-64 From 55 to 64 years
Y65-74 65-74
Y_GE65 65 years or over
Y_GE75 75 years or over
Code Value
EU27_2020_FOR EU27 countries (from 2020) except reporting country
EU28_FOR EU-28 countries except reporting country
NEU27_2020_FOR Non-EU27 countries (from 2020) nor reporting country
NEU28_FOR Non-EU-28 countries nor reporting country
FOR Foreign country
NAT Reporting country