Performing (non-work-related) physical activities by sex, age and educational attainment level hlth_ehis_pe3e

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Source type:
Data from external sources
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Source activity:
European Health Interview Survey (EHIS)
Source reference:
Downloaded from Eurostat’s online database as dataset hlth_ehis_pe3e
Data type:
Survey data
Harmonised at EU level
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2014, 2019

physical activities, work
Code Value
PC Percentage
Code Value
MV_WALK_GET Walking to get to and from place
MV_CYCL_GET Cycling to get to and from place
MV_AERO_SPRT Aerobic sports
MV_MSC Muscle-strengthening
Code Value
TOTAL All ISCED 2011 levels
ED0-2 Less than primary, primary and lower secondary education (levels 0-2)
ED3_4 Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (levels 3 and 4)
ED5-8 Tertiary education (levels 5-8)
Code Value
T Total
M Men
W Women
Code Value
Y15-19 From 15 to 19 years
Y15-24 From 15 to 24 years
Y15-29 From 15 to 29 years
Y15-64 From 15 to 64 years
Y18-24 18-24
Y18-29 18-29 years
Y18-44 From 18 to 44 years
Y18-64 From 18 to 64 years
Y_GE18 18 years or over
Y20-24 From 20 to 24 years
Y25-29 From 25 to 29 years
Y25-34 From 25 to 34 years
Y25-64 From 25 to 64 years
Y35-44 From 35 to 44 years
Y45-54 From 45 to 54 years
Y45-64 From 45 to 64 years
Y55-64 From 55 to 64 years
Y65-74 65-74
Y_GE65 65 years or over
Y_GE75 75 years or over